We Offer Reiki in Bozeman Montana and The Surrounding Area. Come Enjoy A Relaxing Energy Healing Session In The Comfort Of Our Sanctuary.
Our Clients Walk Away Saying The Feel Amazing!
Clients Often Report Feeling More Clarify After Reiki
Major Cancer Centers Offer Reiki For Cancer Patients To Help Facilitate Quality Sleep And Aid In Recovery

Health Kinesiologists utilizes a combination of muscle testing and verbal questioning to engage with your body’s energetic system to uncover stuck patterns of energy, and apply specific protocols to release blockages.
As gentle pressure is applied to acupressure points balance is restored to your body in the affected area, and moves the “health needle” back toward center.

Ayurveda In Bozeman Montana And The Surrounding Area
Ayurveda has become increasingly popular in the west as people begin to seek better solutions than they have been offered by western medicine – especially with regard to auto-immune disorders, digestive issues, anxiety and depression, fatigue, and many other illnesses that do not respond pills and chemical prescriptions.
Ayurveda Services
Clinical Ayurveda & Counseling
Initial Intake 2hr + Report of Findings ---$200
Follow up Visit (1hr max) $40
Shirodhara 20min---$55
Pantry Revitalizer --$145
Cooking with Ayurveda-$75
*15% Discount For Veterans,
Active Duty Military or Emergency Workers​